Monday, June 13, 2011

Seward Cruise

Cute little Sea Otter floating by....

Lisa and I enjoying the beautiful scenery with the Sea Lions behind us

Sea Lions


Bear Glacier

Humpback Whale


Cade and Adam taking the Jr Ranger Pledge

4 new Jr Rangers

Caitlyn, Alex Cade and Adam

Adam and Cade exploring when the tide was out

The view from the back of the camper at the campsite. Perfect!

Doing one of the experiments with the Sea Life Intern - temp of water and how the animals keep warm.

 Spent the day on Sunday on a Glacier Cruise around Seward. It was beautiful to see all of the sites but chilly. 48 degrees coming into town and a little breezy. The sun came out and it warmed up quite a bit so that helped. We had success in seeing what Adam thought was a killer whale, actually a Doll porpoise but as long as it counted for him, we are happy. We also saw Seal Lions, sea otter, puffins, more sheep and humpback whales right close to the boat. The glaciers were also very neat to see. I think we saw a total of 3 different glaciers. I had to spend a little time at the back of the boat with Alex as his stomach started to turn a bit as the water got a little rolly, but he ended up being fine. There was a Park Ranger and a representative from the Sea life center on board the boat and they helped the kids so some experiments, feeling different pelts, water temp, and examining some skulls, as well as helping them earn their Kenai National Park Jr Rangers badges.

The VanMeter clan headed back to Anchorage (except Connor, who will be staying with us of course)  and so we headed out to a cute little place for some fish and chips. Yum! Along the way we got to see some of the catch of the day which included a 66 pound halibut. It was so big and ugly and weird! It has both eyes on one side of it although its mouth goes all the way around. Very strange looking fish!

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