Thursday, June 16, 2016

DC Philly and Connors Graduation

The past week has absolutely flown by! We got to DC last Thursday and have been on the go since we arrived. We were able to see most of the Monuments, several of the Smithsonian Museums, the Archives, and most importantly got to spend some time with old friends and see Godson Connor Graduate. We left from their house last night and were able to get to Philadelphia and spent the day  seeing the sights here. What an amazing part of the Country!    

We took the time to visit the monuments at night. It was really nice to see them with out a hundred thousand other people and I felt like they were even more awe inspiring at night. 

Washington Monument

Einstein Memorial

This was the view from one of the overlooks at Arlington National Cemetery.  

Mark and Alex on the Supreme Court Steps

Vietnam Memorial

The boys enjoying a little down time at the campground. I believe this was after one of our really long days of walking in DC and it was probably easier to sit there and play than walk another step! 

Boys in front of the Capitol Bldg.

Air Force Memorial

Started our day out in Philly with a tour of the Mint.  This has been on the boys bucket list and has never worked out. So ~ Check!

Liberty Bell 

Independence Hall ~ The actual room where the Documents were debated, changed and then signed. Even the original chair that George Washington sat in. After seeing the Documents last week, this was a great addition. I couldn't help but think about how our current governments could take a lesson in working together to actually get something done! 

First Family Selfie ~ Real Philly sandwiches while here!

This whole trip centered around us being here to see our Godson Connor Graduate from High School. This kid is going to go places and we were so excited to get to be here with him and his family to celebrate! The time with friends is never enough but every minute spent together is a treasure!

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