Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Seattle and on to Olympic National Park

Adam taking a photo before we head up into the Space Needle

At the top! 

We visited the Pacific Science Center and had a ball. This is in the 3D imax about Humpbacks 

Adam learning about pullies and levers ~ He is lifting 550 pounds

Then off to the zoo ~ where Adam had a ball! He absolutely was in heaven and got to see a Komodo Dragon and King Cobra! He filled his camera and then took all of these photos 

Thinking of all of my flamingo friends!

We went up to Anacordes and picked up our two new captains and then made our way to the coast where we prepared to catch the ferry across to Olympic national Park.  

Sea Lions off the beach 

Mark and Adam beaching combing in the AM

Our campground from the ferry ~ and just a few photos of some of the sights we took in....

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