I am pretty sure I would have been a little nervous to be the guy on the bike at this point!
Getting ready to board the boat
This photo is out of order as it is a photo from Adams camera and the blogger cant seem to move it. It was a big black bear and we saw it on the way out of the park. Total of 6 bear sightings all at close range~ Pretty amazing day ~
Adam checking out the blue glacier water
Hidden Falls
Alex crossing the swinging bridge
Adam at Grinnell Lake
On our hike back to the boat docks we were passed by a couple who told us they had seen some bears by the swinging bridge. So we cautiously started back to catch our boat. We ran into a Mama bear and her two little cubs. It was WAY to close for comfort for me and even as amazing as it was to watch them, I was FREAKED OUT!! Most of the photos are so blurry from me shaking with the camera but here are a couple that turned out. The first one is the mama.
As we slowly made our way down the trail, we got to watch her with her cubs.
The cubs were cute! Very playful and pretty busy eating.
This was the other cub ~ luckily they headed out and we were able to continue on. A little further down the trail we met up with 2 other hikers who had just seen a black bear cross in front of them. We didn't see that one but needless to say, I was pretty relieved to be back on the boat! Bear spray feels kind of wimpy when you are that close. Full disclosure here ~ Mark said he wasn't nervous. He said as long as he had them in view, especially the cubs, he was comfortable. Wonder if that was because he was holding the spray? :)
From the boat (it was quite a distance) we saw this white coyote (or wolf depending on who you asked)
We came back and spent some time fishing before we headed to the Ranger program on Bears. Seemed like a pretty appropriate way to end the day!
Another shot of the bear grass ~ it is really spectacular!
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