Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 4 More photos

mile 0 of the Alaskan Highway

There is a Moose in this photo~it is just hard to see!
A Beautiful Red Fox

Laird Hot Springs

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 4 BC to Yukon Territory

It has been a long day today ~ I think we are a little over 2000 miles into the trip in 4 days but it has been amazing! We left Edmonton yesterday morning and have just been plugging along. We have been through the Canadian Rockies for most of the day today and it was beautiful. We have been seeing lots of wildlife, including 4 bears, 3 black and one brown (all within about 50 feet from the car), Moose, porcupine, tons of Bison, Elk, fox, and some really neat stone sheep that we probably could have reached out and touched from the car.

We also spent a couple of hours at Laird Hot Springs today swimming. It came highly recomended from Jason and Lorie Thorman and we thank them for it! Very neat place and the boys loved it.

They have also been Rock hounding. Mark has placed limits on how many rocks can be brought back to the camper but I seem to be the one with the most problem sticking to the limit!

We are camping at a campground called Dawson Place or something like that right out side of Teslin YK. for tonight and then we will head on toward Tok and toward Fairbanks. More photos to come, hopefully of carribou as they have illuded us so far!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 1, 2 and 3

Well, Day 1~ Left Spearfish at about 945 in the morning. Drove about 800 miles to North Battelford Saskatchewan. Slept for a couple of hours and on to Edmonton to the West Edmonton mall. Had a great time in the waterpark all day and then headed out to Lorelei and Teds. Both of their boys joined us for dinner and we had a great time. Fun to get to see them and their beautiful home. Day 3 will be another long day in the car, but we are headed to Tim Hortons for a necessary "Double Double."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Starting out...

We are going to be leaving this morning as it just wasnt in the cards to leave yesterday. A few errands and we will be off. Alex really wants to be in Edmonton tomorrow for the waterpark as it has longer hours of operation on Sat than Sunday so it will mean the first day we will do about 1000 miles. And he wants to do the bungee jump there. Yikes!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting Ready to Go!

I am hopeful  that I will be able to figure out this blog idea as everyone has asked for lots of photos. If anyone out there has any helpful hints, I will take them!